October 4-6, 2024
at Midian Events in Springville, IN
Why We Gather
At its core our retreat intends to:
provide a safe, nurturing place for women to develop themselves individually and as a group through new skills and the sharing of information,
to learn about, invoke, and honor Goddesses and Goddess spirituality from a variety of pantheons and cultures.
This retreat was designed to honor different Goddesses from various world cultures each year. Throughout the course of the retreat each of the selected Goddesses for this year will be invoked by all participants for two hours each. During that time we will share stories of that Goddess, perform group activities in honor of Her, and look to Her stories and our inner wisdom for Her lessons in our own lives. At the end of each two hour session we will release that Goddess's energy, and have time for quiet reflection.
Retreats can deal with difficult subjects, and can be challenging to the participants. If you have attended outdoor festivals before, you will find this retreat will be different from past events. Retreat participants are encouraged to be present at all retreat events from Friday to Sunday, not including campsite set-up and tear-down.
During the retreat you may be tempted to skip some of the scheduled group events. Ask yourself sincerely what you need at that moment, and then take whatever time you need to rest, reflect, and reconnect with yourself. Your journey is your own personal private path to renewal and you know what your spirit needs most. We ask only that you trust in the alchemical magick and process of the retreat, which is both challenging and rewarding.
The Goddesses for 2024
Our Goddesses are still volunteering and organizing their thoughts. Come back soon for more information and details.
Nike: Just Do It
Echo: Confidence and Compliments
Durga: Empowered By Our Ferocity
Brighid: Creativity & Creation
Athena: Standing in Your Power
Queening Ceremony
Crossing Rite: Memorial for Becca & Bonnie
Great Goddess: The Ultimate Boon
Schedule of Events ~ 2024
This schedule is still in development. Come back soon for updates and details.
Before You Register ...
The Women's Goddess Retreat is a space where women come together to sink deeply into ourselves and engage meaningfully with a community of women who support us on our journey. It is not your typical neopagan festival space -- and indeed it isn't "festival" space at all. We ask that all potential attendees READ THIS INFO PACKET before registering.
Past Retreats
We've been holding the Women's Goddess Retreat every year since 2009. To learn a little about our journey so far, check out THIS PDF.
WGR Journal
All attendees are provided with a (mostly) blank book in which to take notes, journal, draw, etc. We ask that returning attendees bring their books with them each year until they are full -- at which point, we happily provide a new one!
Coloring Book
Coloring has been a mindfulness strategy of many of our attendees during the event, and we are excited to be working on our very own adult coloring book!
Our anthology is seeking submissions from attendees of all of our past retreats to write about meaningful lessons, experiences, and insights from their time at the retreat.
Pricing and Registration
We value and support ALL women, which is why we offer this unparalleled retreat at the exceedingly low cost of $60 for most women. Furthermore, we understand that our Elder attendees as well as our pre-Adult attendees are often on a limited budget. For that reason, we offer a $40 registration option, as well. (Circle Facilitators and other helpers are asked to contribute $25 to help cover expenses.)
Everyone can "SAVE A SPOT" for $25 -- non-refundable. The remainder of your fees will be due when you arrive.
You can also reserve a private porta-potty for yourself or your small group. 2024 costs for this addition are still TBD.
Use your preferred payment method below and be sure to note the names of the attendees with your payment.
Please note that we are not able to issue refunds under MOST circumstances. However, we will happily transfer your registration fees to another attendee, if you like. OR we can apply them to the 2024 retreat.
If you'd like to make a donation to the retreat, you can send the amount of your choice by using the PayPal, CashApp, or Venmo info below. Thank you for your support!
Pay with CashApp $LaureleiBlack
Pay with Paypal @AsteriaBooks
Pay with Venmo @Asteria-Books